Imagine finding yourself in a dangerous domestic violence situation and fearing for the safety of not only yourself but your companion animal as well. Domestic violence survivors frequently face this heartbreaking reality. APNM’s CARE (Companion Animal Rescue Effort) Program Services seek to ensure that both humans and their companion animals find safety together. CARE Program […]
What a Difference CARE Can Make
Amy* wanted to leave, but her abusive husband had already threatened to kill her dogs if she left him. Terrified, trapped and herself a victim of her husband’s rage and physical violence, Amy felt like she had nowhere to turn for help. Finally, one day when she was home alone, she had the courage to [...]
Historic Partnership Expands CARE Program Services for 2014-15
How We Reached this Milestone In early 2014, APNM forged a partnership with the New Mexico Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NMCADV) and together we successfully lobbied the New Mexico Legislature for state funding to grow and develop the lifesaving CARE Program. Championed by Senator Rodriguez, funding was approved! Beginning this summer, APNM is working with [...]