Promoting Plant-Based Eating
Animal Protection New Mexico is committed to increasing plant-based eating in New Mexico through a variety of strategies. We are working to make plant-based foods more available and accessible to New Mexicans by engaging restaurants, cafeterias, entertainment venues, and grocery stores to add plant-based options to their offerings. We are also planning community outreach and education initiatives about plant-based eating and nutrition including cooking classes and demonstrations, continuing education classes, and other community events.
Plant-Based Eating Starter Guide
There are several different ways that the term “plant-based” is defined and used. Sometimes it’s used to refer to a diet that is mostly plant- based, but occasionally contains animal-derived ingredients. Other times (and most often) it’s used to refer to a diet that is exclusively plants and plant-based foods. In this guide, the term is used to refer to the latter.
Download the Plant-Based Eating Starter Guide
[3 MB PDF]
Download the Plant-Based Eating Starter Guide in Spanish
[5 MB PDF]