Keep everything stored in sturdy containers (a duffel bag, storage bin, etc.) that can be carried easily. Keep your kit in a place accessible to all members of your family.
- Extra collars, leashes, harnesses and secure carriers to transport animals safely and to ensure that your animals can’t escape. Carriers should be large enough for the animal to stand comfortably, turn around and lie down, as it may be home for hours at a time while you seek shelter. Include extra blankets or towels for bedding and warmth.
- Medications (a two-week supply) and medical records stored in a waterproof container, including contact information for your veterinarian and authorization for your animal to be treated if necessary.
- A companion animal first aid book and kit. Consult the first aid book or your veterinarian as to what you should include in your first aid kit.
- Current photos and descriptions of your animals to help others identify them in case you become separated and to prove that they are yours.
- Extra ID tags. Temporary tags on which you can write are good to have in case your contact information changes during the disaster.
- Enough of your animals’ regular food and water to last at least a week per animal. Rotate your reserve food and water supply every three months so that it stays fresh. Canned food should be in single-serving size, as you may not have access to a refrigerator. Also have an extra supply of any vitamins or other supplements your animals take regularly.
- Food and water bowls and a manual can opener, and spoon for canned food.
- Litter and small litter box. Poop scoop.
- Newspapers, paper towels, plastic trash bags and cleaning products, including dish soap.
- Pet beds and toys, if you can easily take them, to reduce stress.
- A list of safe places to go, including friends and family, veterinary offices, boarding kennels, animal-friendly motels and nearby animal shelters. Include addresses and phone numbers.
- Extras of any special items your animals need. Especially important for small animals that have very specific needs.